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章:凉菜类 48道 第2章:水产类 65道 第3章:猪肉类 63道 第4章:牛羊肉类 49道 第5章:禽肉及其他肉类 64道 第6章:蔬菜类 64道 第七章:鸡蛋及豆制品类 46道 第八章:汤煲类 56道 第九章:甜品及点心类 15道 第十章:主食类 59道
美味:清爽口的精品凉菜·麻辣鲜鲜香的海鲜大餐,大快朵颐的肉类佳肴·清淡怡人的豆制品类·回味无穷的老火靓汤,香酥可口的甜品点心·各擅胜场的风味主食。便捷:四川泡菜的简便做法·增加虾肉弹性的方案,鱼类保鲜的名种窍门·指战员从鲜嫩的厨师秘诀·禽肉云腥的小技巧煮粥不溢的好方法·煎鱼不粘的锅小诀窍。 编辑推荐用爱做好菜,用心烹佳肴,本书依照“好吃、好做、实惠”的家庭实用原则,特邀著名中国
目录章 凉菜类凉拌墨鱼丝 毛蛤拌菠菜 油泼螺片 凉拌蚬仔 爽口鱼片 三丝鱼皮 老醋蜇头 香辣虾皮 虾皮拌豇豆 凉拌三鲜 盐水口条 酱牛肉 凉拌牛肚 香辣肚丝 夫妻肺片 凉爽肉片 花生皮冻 麻辣耳丝 叉烧肉 鸡丝银芽 香椿拌鸡丝 卤香鸡杂 如意卷 凉拌蛋皮丝 三色蒸蛋 酸辣藕片 珊瑚藕片 桂香糯米藕 什锦拉皮 素拌什锦 鲜香紫茄 酸辣白菜丝 蓑衣黄瓜 金钩黄瓜条 萝卜松 冰爽苦瓜 鲜辣松花蛋 皮蛋拌凉粉 多味扁豆 花果荠菜 香芹拌香干 糖醋三丝 清凉梨丝 虾油莴苣丝 酱香瓜皮 四川泡菜 丁香花生 香油海带丝第二章 水产类 清蒸大闸蟹 苦瓜烩花蟹 姜葱炒蟹 麻辣小龙虾 芙蓉虾 油爆虾 辣炒河虾 干煎大虾 椒盐虾 三鲜豆腐脑 草菇虾仁 青豆虾仁 香酥虾球 水晶虾饼 松鼠黄鱼 香酥小黄鱼 豆瓣鲤鱼 玉带黑鱼卷 西湖醋鱼 玉树扒鱼片 泡椒辣鱼丁 豆花鲩鱼 蛋黄鱼丸 水煮鱼 重庆酸菜鱼 香嫩熏鱼 蒜香鲶鱼 豉汁平鱼 剁椒鱼头 雪笋鱼头 豉香鲳鱼 三杯梭鱼 红烧罗非鱼 豉香秋刀鱼 芙蓉鱼丝 锅贴青鱼 香辣小干鱼 彩椒鲑鱼丁 清蒸武昌鱼 红烧带鱼 糖醋带鱼 清蒸鲫鱼 葱烧鲫鱼 香煎鳕鱼 清蒸甲鱼 泥鳅钻豆腐 麻辣泥鳅 干煸鳝片 响油鳝糊 肉松小米饭 椒香牛柳炒饭 萝卜牛肉饭 素炒饭 雪笋饭 翡翠菜饭 土豆香煎饭 爽口鲜果饭 香糯八宝饭 杂粮炒饭 生菜鱼球粥 肉片咸鱼粥 皮蛋鱼片粥 鲜香鱼头粥 牡蛎粥 鲜虾粥 鲜贝粥 蛋花牛肉粥 天下粥 苦瓜羊腩粥 芥菜咸蛋鸭肉粥 冬菇鸡粥 香芋排骨粥 皮蛋瘦肉粥 百合肉片豆花粥 状元及第粥 白果肚片粥 川贝雪梨粥 美容鲜藕粥 山药蛋黄粥 营养八宝粥 紫米补血粥 碧荷莲子粥 薏仁美颜粥 山楂消食粥 小麦糯米粥 香菇玉米粥 菊香清凉粥 腊八粥 香辣牛肉面 清炖牛肉面 文蛤海鲜面 雪菜肉丝面 三鲜炒面 翡翠面片汤 海鲜酸汤揪片 炸酱面 碧丝拌面 麻酱凉拌面 鸡蛋凉面 泡菜凉拌面 牛肉通心粉 炒猫耳朵 重庆酸辣粉 豉汁蟠龙鳗 银鱼炒蛋 黄金鱿鱼卷 孜然鱿鱼卷 爆炒双鱿 蒜香豆豉鲜鱿 酥炸牡蛎 家常海参 文蛤蒸蛋 香蒜鲜贝 香辣花蛤 辣炒海瓜子 多味九孔鲍 豉香夏威夷贝 爆炒雪螺 啤酒海螺 香辣海螺肉第三章 猪肉类 东坡肉 红烧肉 梅菜扣肉 回锅肉 香菇烧肉 笋干烧肉 猪肉炖粉条 海带烧肉 脆皮五花肉 荷叶粉蒸肉 陈皮卤肉 士豆烧肉 栗子烧肉 八宝辣酱 胡萝卜爆肉丁 水煮血旺 水煮肉片 苦瓜豆鼓炒肉片 木樨肉 腌笋干层肉 鱼香肉丝 干煸肉丝 京酱肉丝 红烧狮子头 珍珠丸子 菜心扒肉饼 咕老肉 蚂蚁上树 腐皮肉卷 尖椒肉盒 肉馅藕盒 水浒肉 椒盐里脊 柠香卤里脊 糖醋里脊 麻酥里脊 萝卜烧排骨 京都排骨 粉蒸排骨藕 五香排骨 葱香排骨 啤酒排骨 无锡排骨 炸猪排 糖醋排骨 椒麻口条 香芹爆腰花 火爆腰花 酒香腰丝 熘肝尖 泡椒猪肝 酱爆猪头肉 佛跳墙 蒜香肠片 鲜辣肠旺 芫爆肚丝 尖椒肚片 蒜爆猪心 酸辣臊子蹄筋 鱼香蹄花 东坡肘子 香辣猪蹄 豉椒蒸腊肉 腊肉炒芥蓝第四章 牛羊肉类 香辣牛肉 啤酒烧牛肉 果仁炸牛扒 姬菇牛肉 兰椒炒牛肉 水煮牛肉 虾香牛肉片 西红柿烧牛肉 草菇烧牛肉 孜然牛肉 冬笋烧牛肉 酱焖牛肉 东坡牛肉 桃仁牛肉 茶香牛肉 冬菜蒸牛肉 清炖牛肉 芫爆牛肉 麻辣牛肉 美味牛肉丸 葱香牛肉丝 香根木耳牛肉丝 香干牛肉丝 银丝牛肉 酸菜牛肉丝 萝卜焖牛腩 黄豆焖牛腩 金菇牛柳 西兰花牛柳 麻仁牛柳 椒香煎牛柳 湘辣牛筋 椒爆牛心顶 锅塌牛排 葱烧牛小排 鲜香牛肝 生炒羊肉片 葱爆羊肉 芝香羊肉串 扒羊肉条 栗子羊肉 豆瓣焖羊肉 萝卜炖羊肉 红烧羊肉 榨菜羊肉末 粉蒸羊排 酥炸羊腩 酸菜炖羊肚 冬笋炒羊肝第五章 禽肉及其他肉类 辣子鸡丁 核桃爆鸡丁 宫保鸡丁 麻辣子鸡 雪菜毛豆鸡丁 菠萝鸡丁 腰果鸡丁 白斩鸡 东安子鸡 三杯鸡 鲜香童子鸡 砂锅土鸡 多味鸡块 酥炸嫩鸡 葱油鸡块 栗子鸡 香辣鸡块 香笋红烧鸡 咖喱鸡块 卤香鸡块 口蘑蒸鸡 豉香鸡块 椒香鸡块 笋瓜炒鸡丝 银芽鸡丝 金菇鸡丝 锤子鸡片 芙蓉鸡片 豆荚炒鸡柳 干烧鸡翅 贵妃鸡翅 五香凤爪 川味小煎鸡 香芋焖鸡腿 鲜蘑鸡腿 香酥炸鸡腿 酸豆角炒鸡胗 草菇鸡心 丝瓜炒鸡肝 柠檬鸭 酸菜炒鸭块 麻辣鸭块 红煨鸭块 姜汁清香鸭 盐水鸭块 冬菜扣鸭 红糟鸭煲 姜芽炒鸭片 酸辣鸭肠 冬笋烧鸭肝 黄焖鸭肝 泡椒鸭掌 萝卜烧板鸭 麻辣狗肉 罐子狗肉 荷香乳鸽 天麻炖鸽子 冬菇蒸鹌鹑 扒兔肉 五香驴肉 玉楼美味蛇 家常鹅肉 清炒牛蛙 蒜香牛蛙第六章 蔬菜类 素裹鲜笋 干烧冬笋 清炒玉兰片 鲜蘑冬笋 上汤芦笋 咸酥苦瓜 苦瓜炒咸蛋 豉香苦瓜 松仁玉米 炒素什锦 油菜扒金针菇 蚝油草菇 玉兰片烩猴头菇 素辣子鸡 红烧猴头菇 炒素鳝糊 油醋香菇 山药烩香菇 平菇炒翠笋 口蘑烧香芋 糖醋南瓜丸 咸蛋黄炒金瓜 脆香藕丸 蒜香茄泥 酱烧茄子 鱼香茄子煲 虎皮辣椒 豆泥青椒盒 豆豉辣椒 香酥薯条 地三鲜 麻辣土豆条 酸辣土豆 香素咕老肉 炒辣三丝 干煸茭白 芙蓉番茄 清炒芥蓝 口蘑烧冬瓜 海米冬瓜 素回锅肉 开洋白菜 海米炒蕨菜 干煸四季豆 鱼香扁豆丝 油焖豇豆 海米豇豆 鲜香豆末 豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜 多味木耳菜 三鲜素海参 西芹百合 椒盐花菜 糖醋素排骨 丝瓜炖粉丝 金银蒜蒸丝瓜 双菇西兰花 炒什锦蚕豆 虾皮卷心菜 麻辣蚕豆 雪菜豆板酥 锅塌菠菜 蛋香萝卜丝 甜辣萝卜干第七章 鸡蛋及豆制品类 香酥蛋松 韭菜花炒皮蛋 芙蓉香酥蛋 香菇蒸蛋 黄金脆皮蛋 金丝虾皮蛋 茴香炒蛋 咸蛋黄蒸肉饼 咸蛋虾仁 鲜橙鸡蛋饼 鲜香豆腐 蟹肉豆腐 家乡豆腐 麻婆豆腐 虾茸豆腐盒 糖醋豆腐 红烧豆腐 咸肉豆腐 椒盐豆腐 西湖嫩豆腐 口袋豆腐 咸蛋黄蒸豆腐 红煨冻豆腐 碧玉水晶豆腐 湘辣豆腐 双色豆腐 鲜香鱼丸豆腐 挂糊豆腐 鱼子酱豆腐 麻辣臭豆腐 金针菇日本豆腐 鱼香豆干 椒爆香干 酱汁素鸡 五彩豆皮 八宝豆皮 紫菜豆皮卷 香辣烩三丁 韭黄炒素肚丝 韭香干丝 卤香面筋 红烧素牛肉 香菇烧面筋 雪里蕻炒香干 滑炒腐竹木耳 海米烧腐竹第八章 汤煲类 花生煲猪蹄 黄豆炖猪蹄 桂圆炖猪心 酸菜肚片汤 墨鱼肚片汤 莲藕排骨汤 苦瓜排骨汤 玉米萝卜排骨汤 墨鱼排骨汤 海带排骨汤 冬瓜排骨汤 滑菇肉丸汤 豆腐肉丸汤 马齿苋肉丝汤 腊肉萝卜汤 莼菜鱼柳汤 菜花鲫鱼汤 萝卜丝鲫鱼汤 奶汤鲢鱼头 鱼头炖豆腐 乳香黑鱼汤 高汤鱼丸 鸡丝银鱼汤 银鱼蛋汤 金菇田螺汤 冬瓜文蛤汤 丝瓜鲜虾汤 菠菜干贝汤 海鲜丝瓜汤 鲜香河蚌汤 金菇鲜蛤汤 蛤蜊山药汤 虾仁雪菜汤 香菇鸡汤 清炖乌鸡汤 三鲜汤 鸡肝豆苗汤 老鸭肚片汤 老鸭香芋汤 芹菜老鸭汤 西红柿牛肉汤 南瓜牛肉汤 滋补羊肉汤 枸杞羊肝汤 浓汤驴肉煲 酸辣汤 香菇丝瓜汤 鲜菇番茄汤 鲍菇蚕豆汤 蛋皮豆腐汤 苦瓜皮蛋汤 火腿冬瓜汤 山药鸡茸羹 银鱼翡翠羹 西湖牛肉羹 宋嫂鱼羹 芥菜豆腐羹 青豆玉米羹第九章 甜品及点心类 甜品及点心类 香甜南瓜饼 黄金粟米饼 酸甜红薯片 腰果雪梨 脆炸火龙果 拔丝香蕉 麻仁香蕉 拔丝山药 金黄豆泥饼 松仁土豆 糯米煎红枣 蛋香馒头片 春卷 杏仁桂圆炖银耳 银耳莲子汤第十章 主食类 咖喱海鲜饭 虾仁豆豉炒饭 滑蛋虾仁烩饭 蛋丝虾酱饭 金黄蛋炒饭 扬州炒饭
Shipping Overview:
• Shipping: Standard Domestic Shipping within the United States charges USD 4.99. Standard International Shipping from United Kingdom, Germany and Japan to the United States charges 14.99.
• Order Processing: Please allow 1-2 business days for order processing and preparation before shipment.
• Domestic Shipping: Orders within the U.S. are shipped via USPS or FedEx, depending on the origin of the product. The average transit time is 3-7 business days.
• International Shipping: Currently, we only ship within the USA.
• Tracking Information: Every order is trackable. You will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped. Products may be shipped from various global fulfillment centers.
Shipping Delays:
Please note that shipping times may vary due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions, natural disasters, or peak holiday periods. While we strive to ensure timely delivery, the exact arrival time cannot be guaranteed and is managed by the shipping carrier.
Shipping Options:
Standard Delivery: Most orders are shipped within 3-7 business days. Larger items may utilize LTL shipping for safe handling.
Handling Time: We handle shipments on business days (Monday - Friday), with a preparation time of 1-2 days.
Additional Charges: Some items require additional shipping charges due to their size, weight, or special handling. These charges are specified on the product pages and are not eligible for shipping discounts.
Exclusions: Gift cards, packaging, taxes, and prior purchases do not count toward the minimum purchase requirement for free shipping. This offer is valid only for shipments to U.S. addresses, including Puerto Rico.
Delivery Details:
Estimates: Standard shipping within the US typically takes 3-7 business days. These are estimates and not guarantees.
Shipping Restrictions: We ship to all 50 states, Washington, DC, U.S. territories, and APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Shipping options vary based on the delivery address.
Remote Areas: Shipments to remote areas may incur additional charges or require pickup from a nearby shipping partner’s location.
Shipping Confirmation:
You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order is dispatched. If you do not receive this email immediately, please be assured that your items will arrive within the estimated delivery window provided at checkout.
Order Modifications:
If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact our customer support immediately.
Issues with Delivery:
If your order shows as delivered but you have not received it, please contact the shipping carrier directly to resolve the issue. For persistent problems, contact our customer service at cs@everymarket.com.
Customer Support:
Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your order. We are committed to ensuring a smooth shopping experience.
Return & Refund Policy Overview
Please review our return and refund policies below to ensure a smooth transaction process.
Return Policy
Duration: You have 30 days from receiving your item to initiate a return.
Condition: Items must be unworn, unwashed, with original tags and packaging intact.
Shipping Costs: Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
Packaging: Ensure returned items are well-packaged to avoid damage during transit.
Tracking: Use a trackable and insured shipping method as we are not liable for items lost or damaged on return.
Initiating a Return: Contact us at cs@everymarket.com to start your return. We will provide a return shipping label and instructions upon approval. Returns without prior approval will not be accepted.
How to Return
Method: Returns must be sent back by mail to the address provided in the return instructions.
Return Label
Defective Products: Return labels are provided for defective items.
Non-Defective Returns: Customers are responsible for obtaining their return shipping label.
Product Conditions for Return
Eligible Products: Returns are only accepted for items in new condition.
Nonreturnable Items
Certain items are not eligible for return:
Electronic devices after 30 days (e.g., computers, laptops, Kindles)
Gift cards, prepaid game cards
Perishable goods, live insects, some jewelry, some health and personal care items
Customized or personalized products
Items with special shipping restrictions
Refund Policy
Window: Eligible products may be returned within 30 days of delivery for a refund.
Refund Method: Refunds are processed to the original payment method or as store credit for items purchased with gift cards.
Processing Time: Refunds are processed within 3-5 business days after we receive the return; please allow additional time for shipping and bank processing.
Inspect your order upon arrival and report any defects, damages, or incorrect items immediately to allow us to address the issue. For claims, contact our support team with details of the issue.
Exchange Policy
For the quickest service, return your original item and place a new order for the desired product once your return is accepted.
Return Address
EveryMarket Customer Service 2101 E Terra Ln, O'Fallon, MO 63366
Customer Support
Available 24/7 for any questions or assistance needed:
Phone: +1 636-312-5925
Email: cs@everymarket.com
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