现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊

Brand: 楓書坊    Sold By: EM China
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊

现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊

Brand: 楓書坊    Sold By: EM China
$54.61 In Stock
Item can be returned in its original condition for a full refund or replacement within 30 days of receipt.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Amazing Value

Fast Shipping

Expert Customer Service

Free shipping in US over $59 (Ships from China, Arrives in 7-14 business days)
Delivery guarantee
$5.00 Credit for delay
Return if item damaged
15-day no update refund
30-day no delivery refund
现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法 推拿 按摩 医疗保健类书籍 枫书坊

现货 台版 经穴大全 坂元大海 原岛广至 全彩印刷 图解全面 实际照片 3D电脑绘图 中医疗法...






Product Details



  • ISBN:9789865775773


  • 叢書系列:健康DIY系列

  • 規格:平裝 / 300頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版

  • 出版地:台灣

  • 內容簡介

  • 本書的*特色,便是包羅所有經穴的命名由來、意義、取穴方法、各部位的解剖學資訊、相關臨床用語等皆會加註詳細解說,能學習完整的腧穴相關知識。

  • 市面上許多書籍僅標示出人體各部位的解剖學名稱,但本書不同於其他出版品的一點,便是除了各部位名稱外,還會仔細標出扎針時所接觸的部位及周圍的相關部位名稱並加以說明。此外,還以獨立欄位加強說明某些特定部位(例如鎖骨下窩、三角肌胸肌溝等處),也會一併列出支配各肌肉的神經以及其相關機能。

  • 只要善用本書,就可以「探索穴道」取代原先「背誦單字」的枯燥過程,並逐漸體會學習的樂趣、意義與價值。只要熟悉各穴位名稱的由來,搭配實際照片+3D電腦繪圖圖片,配合解剖學觀點掌握各個腧穴的位置,便可清楚且立體地想像出扎針時的具體畫面,將所有腧穴知識轉變為自己的寶藏。

  • 除了針灸師外,包括物理治療師、職能治療師、整骨師或防護員等人士皆可透過這本充滿彩色圖片的書籍,提升自己的知識與技術。

  • 本書特色????

  • ◎資料詳盡,註解豐富:包羅經穴的命名由來、意義、取穴方法、相關神經、臨床用語等,旁徵博引、增強記憶!

  • ◎全彩印刷,圖解全面:實際照片+3D電腦繪圖,配合解剖學觀點掌握各個穴位置,清楚呈現361個WHO標準腧穴!

  • 全新資訊,大師監修:各界大師聯手,更正舊訊「破綻」,從初學者到醫護專業人士皆適用,全面提升知識技術!

  • ?

  • 目錄

  • Contents 各章節目錄

  • 經穴名稱介紹2(正體)

  • 取穴方法介紹4(斜體)

  • 序文 iii

  • 本書架構 viii

  • 各章節目錄 x

  • 各部位目錄 xvii

  • 經絡經穴概論 xxviii

  • 古典解剖學的名稱 xl

  • Chapter1 LU 手太陰肺經 Lung Meridian??? 1

  • 中府(LU1) 雲門(LU2)? 2? 4

  • 天府(LU3) 俠白(LU4) 尺澤(LU5)? 2? 5

  • 孔最(LU6) 列缺(LU7)? 2? 6

  • 經渠(LU8) 太淵(LU9) 魚際(LU10) 少商(LU11)? 2? 7

  • Chapter2 LI 手陽明大腸經 Large Interstine Meridian 9

  • 商陽(LI1) 二間(LI2)? 10? 14

  • 三間(LI3) 合谷(LI4)? 10? 15

  • 陽谿(LI5)? 10? 16

  • 偏歷(LI6) 溫溜(LI7)? 10? 17

  • 下廉(LI8) 上廉(LI9) 手三里(LI10)? 10? 18

  • 曲池(LI11)? 10? 19

  • 肘髎(LI12)? 10? 19

  • 手五里(LI13) 臂臑(LI14)? 10? 20

  • 肩髃(LI15) 巨骨(LI16)? 10? 21

  • 天鼎(LI17) 扶突(LI18)? 10? 22

  • 禾髃(LI19) 迎香(LI20)? 10? 23

  • Chapter3 ST 足陽明胃經 Stomach Meridian 25

  • 承泣(ST1) 四白(ST2)? 26? 34

  • 巨髎(ST3) 地倉(ST4)? 26? 35

  • ?


Shipping Overview: 

Free Shipping: We offer free shipping on most orders within the U.S. Certain items may require a shipping fee due to size or handling needs. 

Order Processing: Please allow 1-2 business days for order processing and preparation before shipment. 

Domestic Shipping: Orders within the U.S. are shipped via USPS or FedEx, depending on the origin of the product. The average transit time is 3-7 business days. 

International Shipping: Currently, we only ship within the USA. 

Tracking Information: Every order is trackable. You will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped. Products may be shipped from various global fulfillment centers.

Shipping Delays: 

Please note that shipping times may vary due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions, natural disasters, or peak holiday periods. While we strive to ensure timely delivery, the exact arrival time cannot be guaranteed and is managed by the shipping carrier.

Shipping Options:

  • Standard Delivery: Most orders are shipped within 3-7 business days. Larger items may utilize LTL shipping for safe handling.

  • Handling Time: We handle shipments on business days (Monday - Friday), with a preparation time of 1-2 days.

  • Additional Charges: Some items require additional shipping charges due to their size, weight, or special handling. These charges are specified on the product pages and are not eligible for shipping discounts.

  • Exclusions: Gift cards, packaging, taxes, and prior purchases do not count toward the minimum purchase requirement for free shipping. This offer is valid only for shipments to U.S. addresses, including Puerto Rico.

Delivery Details:

  • Estimates: Standard shipping within the US typically takes 3-7 business days. These are estimates and not guarantees.

  • Shipping Restrictions: We ship to all 50 states, Washington, DC, U.S. territories, and APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Shipping options vary based on the delivery address.

  • Remote Areas: Shipments to remote areas may incur additional charges or require pickup from a nearby shipping partner’s location.

Shipping Confirmation:

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order is dispatched. If you do not receive this email immediately, please be assured that your items will arrive within the estimated delivery window provided at checkout.

Order Modifications:

If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact our customer support immediately.

Issues with Delivery:

If your order shows as delivered but you have not received it, please contact the shipping carrier directly to resolve the issue. For persistent problems, contact our customer service at cs@everymarket.com.

Customer Support:

Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your order. We are committed to ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

Return & Refund Policy Overview

Please review our return and refund policies below to ensure a smooth transaction process.

Return Policy

  • Duration: You have 30 days from receiving your item to initiate a return.

  • Condition: Items must be unworn, unwashed, with original tags and packaging intact.

  • Shipping Costs: Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.

  • Packaging: Ensure returned items are well-packaged to avoid damage during transit.

  • Tracking: Use a trackable and insured shipping method as we are not liable for items lost or damaged on return.

  • Initiating a Return: Contact us at cs@everymarket.com to start your return. We will provide a return shipping label and instructions upon approval. Returns without prior approval will not be accepted.

How to Return

  • Method: Returns must be sent back by mail to the address provided in the return instructions.

Return Label

  • Defective Products: Return labels are provided for defective items.

  • Non-Defective Returns: Customers are responsible for obtaining their return shipping label.

Product Conditions for Return

  • Eligible Products: Returns are only accepted for items in new condition.

Nonreturnable Items

Certain items are not eligible for return:

  • Electronic devices after 30 days (e.g., computers, laptops, Kindles)

  • Gift cards, prepaid game cards

  • Perishable goods, live insects, some jewelry, some health and personal care items

  • Customized or personalized products

  • Items with special shipping restrictions

Refund Policy

  • Window: Eligible products may be returned within 30 days of delivery for a refund.

  • Refund Method: Refunds are processed to the original payment method or as store credit for items purchased with gift cards.

  • Processing Time: Refunds are processed within 3-5 business days after we receive the return; please allow additional time for shipping and bank processing.


Inspect your order upon arrival and report any defects, damages, or incorrect items immediately to allow us to address the issue. For claims, contact our support team with details of the issue.

Exchange Policy

For the quickest service, return your original item and place a new order for the desired product once your return is accepted.

Return Address

EveryMarket Customer Service 2101 E Terra Ln, O'Fallon, MO 63366

Customer Support

Available 24/7 for any questions or assistance needed:

  • Phone: +1 636-312-5925

  • Email: cs@everymarket.com





  • ISBN:9789865775773


  • 叢書系列:健康DIY系列

  • 規格:平裝 / 300頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版

  • 出版地:台灣

  • 內容簡介

  • 本書的*特色,便是包羅所有經穴的命名由來、意義、取穴方法、各部位的解剖學資訊、相關臨床用語等皆會加註詳細解說,能學習完整的腧穴相關知識。

  • 市面上許多書籍僅標示出人體各部位的解剖學名稱,但本書不同於其他出版品的一點,便是除了各部位名稱外,還會仔細標出扎針時所接觸的部位及周圍的相關部位名稱並加以說明。此外,還以獨立欄位加強說明某些特定部位(例如鎖骨下窩、三角肌胸肌溝等處),也會一併列出支配各肌肉的神經以及其相關機能。

  • 只要善用本書,就可以「探索穴道」取代原先「背誦單字」的枯燥過程,並逐漸體會學習的樂趣、意義與價值。只要熟悉各穴位名稱的由來,搭配實際照片+3D電腦繪圖圖片,配合解剖學觀點掌握各個腧穴的位置,便可清楚且立體地想像出扎針時的具體畫面,將所有腧穴知識轉變為自己的寶藏。

  • 除了針灸師外,包括物理治療師、職能治療師、整骨師或防護員等人士皆可透過這本充滿彩色圖片的書籍,提升自己的知識與技術。

  • 本書特色????

  • ◎資料詳盡,註解豐富:包羅經穴的命名由來、意義、取穴方法、相關神經、臨床用語等,旁徵博引、增強記憶!

  • ◎全彩印刷,圖解全面:實際照片+3D電腦繪圖,配合解剖學觀點掌握各個穴位置,清楚呈現361個WHO標準腧穴!

  • 全新資訊,大師監修:各界大師聯手,更正舊訊「破綻」,從初學者到醫護專業人士皆適用,全面提升知識技術!

  • ?

  • 目錄

  • Contents 各章節目錄

  • 經穴名稱介紹2(正體)

  • 取穴方法介紹4(斜體)

  • 序文 iii

  • 本書架構 viii

  • 各章節目錄 x

  • 各部位目錄 xvii

  • 經絡經穴概論 xxviii

  • 古典解剖學的名稱 xl

  • Chapter1 LU 手太陰肺經 Lung Meridian??? 1

  • 中府(LU1) 雲門(LU2)? 2? 4

  • 天府(LU3) 俠白(LU4) 尺澤(LU5)? 2? 5

  • 孔最(LU6) 列缺(LU7)? 2? 6

  • 經渠(LU8) 太淵(LU9) 魚際(LU10) 少商(LU11)? 2? 7

  • Chapter2 LI 手陽明大腸經 Large Interstine Meridian 9

  • 商陽(LI1) 二間(LI2)? 10? 14

  • 三間(LI3) 合谷(LI4)? 10? 15

  • 陽谿(LI5)? 10? 16

  • 偏歷(LI6) 溫溜(LI7)? 10? 17

  • 下廉(LI8) 上廉(LI9) 手三里(LI10)? 10? 18

  • 曲池(LI11)? 10? 19

  • 肘髎(LI12)? 10? 19

  • 手五里(LI13) 臂臑(LI14)? 10? 20

  • 肩髃(LI15) 巨骨(LI16)? 10? 21

  • 天鼎(LI17) 扶突(LI18)? 10? 22

  • 禾髃(LI19) 迎香(LI20)? 10? 23

  • Chapter3 ST 足陽明胃經 Stomach Meridian 25

  • 承泣(ST1) 四白(ST2)? 26? 34

  • 巨髎(ST3) 地倉(ST4)? 26? 35

  • ?


Shipping Overview: 

Free Shipping: We offer free shipping on most orders within the U.S. Certain items may require a shipping fee due to size or handling needs. 

Order Processing: Please allow 1-2 business days for order processing and preparation before shipment. 

Domestic Shipping: Orders within the U.S. are shipped via USPS or FedEx, depending on the origin of the product. The average transit time is 3-7 business days. 

International Shipping: Currently, we only ship within the USA. 

Tracking Information: Every order is trackable. You will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped. Products may be shipped from various global fulfillment centers.

Shipping Delays: 

Please note that shipping times may vary due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions, natural disasters, or peak holiday periods. While we strive to ensure timely delivery, the exact arrival time cannot be guaranteed and is managed by the shipping carrier.

Shipping Options:

  • Standard Delivery: Most orders are shipped within 3-7 business days. Larger items may utilize LTL shipping for safe handling.

  • Handling Time: We handle shipments on business days (Monday - Friday), with a preparation time of 1-2 days.

  • Additional Charges: Some items require additional shipping charges due to their size, weight, or special handling. These charges are specified on the product pages and are not eligible for shipping discounts.

  • Exclusions: Gift cards, packaging, taxes, and prior purchases do not count toward the minimum purchase requirement for free shipping. This offer is valid only for shipments to U.S. addresses, including Puerto Rico.

Delivery Details:

  • Estimates: Standard shipping within the US typically takes 3-7 business days. These are estimates and not guarantees.

  • Shipping Restrictions: We ship to all 50 states, Washington, DC, U.S. territories, and APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Shipping options vary based on the delivery address.

  • Remote Areas: Shipments to remote areas may incur additional charges or require pickup from a nearby shipping partner’s location.

Shipping Confirmation:

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order is dispatched. If you do not receive this email immediately, please be assured that your items will arrive within the estimated delivery window provided at checkout.

Order Modifications:

If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact our customer support immediately.

Issues with Delivery:

If your order shows as delivered but you have not received it, please contact the shipping carrier directly to resolve the issue. For persistent problems, contact our customer service at cs@everymarket.com.

Customer Support:

Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your order. We are committed to ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

Return & Refund Policy Overview

Please review our return and refund policies below to ensure a smooth transaction process.

Return Policy

  • Duration: You have 30 days from receiving your item to initiate a return.

  • Condition: Items must be unworn, unwashed, with original tags and packaging intact.

  • Shipping Costs: Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.

  • Packaging: Ensure returned items are well-packaged to avoid damage during transit.

  • Tracking: Use a trackable and insured shipping method as we are not liable for items lost or damaged on return.

  • Initiating a Return: Contact us at cs@everymarket.com to start your return. We will provide a return shipping label and instructions upon approval. Returns without prior approval will not be accepted.

How to Return

  • Method: Returns must be sent back by mail to the address provided in the return instructions.

Return Label

  • Defective Products: Return labels are provided for defective items.

  • Non-Defective Returns: Customers are responsible for obtaining their return shipping label.

Product Conditions for Return

  • Eligible Products: Returns are only accepted for items in new condition.

Nonreturnable Items

Certain items are not eligible for return:

  • Electronic devices after 30 days (e.g., computers, laptops, Kindles)

  • Gift cards, prepaid game cards

  • Perishable goods, live insects, some jewelry, some health and personal care items

  • Customized or personalized products

  • Items with special shipping restrictions

Refund Policy

  • Window: Eligible products may be returned within 30 days of delivery for a refund.

  • Refund Method: Refunds are processed to the original payment method or as store credit for items purchased with gift cards.

  • Processing Time: Refunds are processed within 3-5 business days after we receive the return; please allow additional time for shipping and bank processing.


Inspect your order upon arrival and report any defects, damages, or incorrect items immediately to allow us to address the issue. For claims, contact our support team with details of the issue.

Exchange Policy

For the quickest service, return your original item and place a new order for the desired product once your return is accepted.

Return Address

EveryMarket Customer Service 2101 E Terra Ln, O'Fallon, MO 63366

Customer Support

Available 24/7 for any questions or assistance needed:

  • Phone: +1 636-312-5925

  • Email: cs@everymarket.com



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